random thought
This article from daily mail just makes me cry.
Bless her dad. Switching off your wife life support and then hold your newly born baby. Talk about one life ended and another life begins.
Given the number of things I have so far seen in this life span, I cannot always agree with the saying "life is fair". Truth is, its not. Life is never fair. And this kind of tragedy always happen to the people who defied all kind of statistics and to the really good people. I cannot explain this. I mean today I have to tell this poor woman's husband his wife has a big stroke; his husband is partially sighted and relies on his wife. I feel truly sorry for him.
I always believe that God must have his own reasons.Somehow this thought is comforting.
On a more cheery note, I spent a week in London attending a medical course.Stayed with hubby's relatives. They really look after me well. Thanks ever so much for all the breakie,fantastic dinner and went all japanese on my last night. Didn't realise how much I missed London.The hub of academic medicine, and fantastic clinicians.If only they give me the research job at UCH, sighs.
Hmmm, thinking about getting another degree...
Bless her dad. Switching off your wife life support and then hold your newly born baby. Talk about one life ended and another life begins.
Given the number of things I have so far seen in this life span, I cannot always agree with the saying "life is fair". Truth is, its not. Life is never fair. And this kind of tragedy always happen to the people who defied all kind of statistics and to the really good people. I cannot explain this. I mean today I have to tell this poor woman's husband his wife has a big stroke; his husband is partially sighted and relies on his wife. I feel truly sorry for him.
I always believe that God must have his own reasons.Somehow this thought is comforting.
On a more cheery note, I spent a week in London attending a medical course.Stayed with hubby's relatives. They really look after me well. Thanks ever so much for all the breakie,fantastic dinner and went all japanese on my last night. Didn't realise how much I missed London.The hub of academic medicine, and fantastic clinicians.If only they give me the research job at UCH, sighs.
Hmmm, thinking about getting another degree...
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