Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Thursday, October 28, 2004

More medical talk - please read

The news of retinal transplant is a success on human trial (Elisabeth Bryan, 64/F) brings a smile to my face. Another breakthrough in medicine. A cure to retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, retinal dystrophy & (possibly) diabetic retinopathy. These are among the so-called incurable disease - ie nothing can stop you from progressingly losing sight. Many of these are genetic - sth you can't change. Retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt dystrophy are among genetic disease that follow the hideous course like Huntington disease. You were born as a normal child, and later in your 30s & 40s, in the prime of your life, you start experience visual loss, reduced field of vision and later become progresively blind.

The unfavourable side of this news is the "cure" is obtained retinal cells from aborted foetus. You might have different view, either ethical, religious etc...but I personally support this... Having been in touch with disabled people, you have no idea how much this will mean for them and how it can improve their quality of life. Sight is a precious gift.

Anyway, my day today has been good.

I have renew my passport at Malaysian Embassy, and it should be ready to be collected next Wednesday. Gilo betul, I totally forgot my passport expired this December. I travelled back to London from Kuala Lumpur with only 2 months life on my passport. Totally forgot to renew it when I was in Malaysia. I only realised that masa kat keluar through KLIA immigration officer. Luckily my student visa still valid until next September.
Met a Chinese girl who is also renewing her passport; her name Tanny and she is from Reading. Bring her to Mawar to have lunch. She is sooo glad to have Malaysian food at last; she has not gone back to Malaysia for the past 2 years. We gonna keep in touch.

Am going to meet Keena & Whoda for bukak posa at Khan's this evening..


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