Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Thursday, May 18, 2006

We are not God

I think one of the aspects that put people off medicine is the fact we are not the "curer". I would be so happy if I could find a cure for everything.

It is really difficult to get across to patients that we cannot simply cure everything with tablets. There are things in this world where we cannot cure at all. Supportive care, yes. But not cure. We don't have any magic wand. There is a more powerful force in this world.

Who could explain how someone could develops a second P.E and died in the space of 36 hours despite being on full treatment and recover from the first P.E.? God knows. To me, it taught me a good lesson - if it is your time to go, you will go no matter what. As a doctor, you do the best you can given the circumstances.

There is a lady under my care who just didn't get what I am trying to tell her. We just could not explain why her body has gone haywire and I don't think we have a cure for her liver. To me, to be able to live to her age with her congenital medical condition is a miracle in itself.

I remember an elderly lady who I saw during one of my oncall who survive resuscitation in the community. Her family was quite traumatized seeing the whole resus process that they decide should her heart stop beating or she stop breathing suddenly, we shouldn't resuscitate her again.

Live life.


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