Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Post-nights shift

My last week of nights as medical SHO.Uh,uh..

Its been a good week. I really enjoy working with the team this week. The Spr is fantastic, always try to give me opportunity to do things. My other colleague is 3rd year SHO whom I work with in my house officer year. I really appreaciate it when my Spr said,"You are really good this week; all your patients seemed to be doing ok. And I don't really need to review them".

I think its been a good week as well. The cases are ok, nothing that is really out of my depth, although I probably have a growing concerns with the referral from A+E. Things that should have been pick up by them. My colleague gave them a good telling off.

Attempt to put a drum catheter for amiodarone infusion. And the size of the needle is massive - its even bigger that orange venflon (its like 28 or 30G!! probably exagerrating here. What is the size of the orange venflon?? sth like 25G is it?)! Unfortunately that is the only thing the ward has. End up with the reg putting a femoral line, as my drum catheter could not get pass into the brachial vein. I think its because the catheter is so big, it get stuck in one of the junctions above the antecubital fossa. He wanted me to put the femoral line, but my bleep went off for a crash call in HDU.

Its been a good week of oncall.


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