I feel rather irritable today...
Ok, things that annoyed me is when patients are not managed someone is in congestive cardiac failure with only antibiotics for 3 days. I am aware patient not giving appropriate history, but a good clinical examination should reveals that, especially someone who is grossly oedematous and has a massive heart on CXR! Paling menyampah is a house officer yang banyak alasan buat keja, or do the job for the sake of it. Annoyed, annoyed, annoyed.
My meningitis man is better! Woohoo!! It feels rewarded. I mean, seriously, if he comes a couple days later, he would have turned up dead, leaving 4 children and a widow. Its a good thing his GP send him to the hospital despite his letter saying viral illness. This case holds a rather special place to me, since I managed him from clearking in, get CT brain done and did his lumbar puncture and sort out the public health side of it. How often is it you see a proper pneumococcal meningitis?
Ok, things that annoyed me is when patients are not managed someone is in congestive cardiac failure with only antibiotics for 3 days. I am aware patient not giving appropriate history, but a good clinical examination should reveals that, especially someone who is grossly oedematous and has a massive heart on CXR! Paling menyampah is a house officer yang banyak alasan buat keja, or do the job for the sake of it. Annoyed, annoyed, annoyed.
My meningitis man is better! Woohoo!! It feels rewarded. I mean, seriously, if he comes a couple days later, he would have turned up dead, leaving 4 children and a widow. Its a good thing his GP send him to the hospital despite his letter saying viral illness. This case holds a rather special place to me, since I managed him from clearking in, get CT brain done and did his lumbar puncture and sort out the public health side of it. How often is it you see a proper pneumococcal meningitis?
takutnyer meningitis. why kat Uk bnyk kes meningitis? or akak yang tak realise kat mana-mana pun bnyk . one of my fren ( malay) kat sheffield , kehilangan baby kerana meningitis. Pastu jiran kat ngan umah akak( malay) pun diserang virus meningitis.
untuk langkah berhati-hati...kami ambik suntikan meningitis untuk ayuni. is that enuf?
anon suria, at 1:42 AM
probably better detection? and people are better educated in term of symptoms. Can present as a non-specific illness.We now get them to hospital quicker before they ended up dead at home. Cannot say the same kat Malaysia, since huda tak pernah keja kat hospital kat Malaysia.
Have to say, most people survive the common bugs. Most of my paeds colleagues, well, even us, will do lumbar puncture pretty quickly if we think its meningitis.
Sometimes, it just one of those things in life; it just happened.
Lotus, at 12:40 PM
huda i lost my phone, how is studying going?
Dearie me, at 10:15 PM
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