Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Monday, November 29, 2004

A sum up

One of the joy of being finalist is, as I discovered it, opportunity sort of rolls itself towards you. Consultant has more confidante on you and you are able to do a lot more than just stupid stuffs. I am joining another audit in another SSM, which is a retrospective study on complications arise from epidural injection, with Dr N, a clinical attachment guy. And yeah, I am still doing the audit on prolactinoma with Francine.

Today is my first day with Dr B, (he is the rheumatologist, my previous Dr B is a pathologist - 2 different people) and he had me & Dr N clerked patients. After such a long break, I am now back to clinical skills. It doesn't feel daunting, and I think I did a pretty good job.

Quite a good day. I hope I will be able to do all these job without losing my marbles.


Went to see The Grudge with Fara on Saturday nite, after Atol sudden departure to Southampton. I prolly will think twice of going to see another horror movies in cinema. Made a complete fool of myself by screaming the loudest in the cinema. I literally shrinking into my seat, hiding behind my red jacket. My tummy ached afterwards, from the anticipation of horror from the film. Lotta heart stopping moments (for me) in the movies.

Btw, the movie is more scary if you do not watch Ju-on at the first place.


Went to career fair with Atol & Fara on Saturday. Got a lotta freebies, so many pens and I manage to "steal" a quite nice bag from Pfitzer stall. That Pfitzer guy looked so hesitate nak give me & Fara the bag. Hehehe, they make so much money, it would not hurt their damned pocket..


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