Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Monday, January 17, 2005

Bad mood - don't read

I am sooo fucking angry right now...I think I could smashed someone's face.I know I know, I shouldn't blog about it, but I need an outlet.I am supposed to pretend to be nice to X, am I not? Next time remind me la, menyusahkan orang betul. I, Miss Remember Everything sometimes forgot.

Well, X is a nice good girl.Except when I with her, through no fault of her own, she somehow manage to make me feel less, and why I can't be as nice/mature as adult/ambitious as her. Its a tiring friendship - I can't really go suddenly bust, crying or be angry and let my emotion takes me when I am around with her - it makes me feel weak,and not helped.

I missed Elly S & Belinda.You know,with them I don't have to pretend when I am angry or bad mood or tired. I can just be myself, then apologise later. Same goes if they are angry or bad mood or feel the need to sumpah/crying about someone, I don't mind.

I missed my hubby.


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