Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kylie concert at Earls Court last week

Initially, I am very pissed when Channel 4 broadcast Kylie concert on telly, padahal tonite is her last her performance in London. Buang duit den je poie konsert dia last week (her first day in London). Dahla I realise the performance yang dia broadcast is the same one I attended to. Kot yer pun tunggu la Minah tu dah pegi Australia for her next tour.

As I am watching it right now kan...I think, mmmm. Well,one thing though people who didn't go to her concert, the atmosphere masa her performance was unbelievable. The concert was completely sold out, seriously, memang the whole arena of Earls Court full, takde tempat kosong langsung. And everyone stand up dancing and miming the night away after her second song, including hunky gorgeous male species, pot belly men, little boys and girls, grandma and grandpa, mommies and daddies. Best2x. I really enjoy the concert. I accidentally kicked the beer glass of the person sitting next to me while I danced, luckily she didn't mind at all. Hehe.

What can I say, huhu, can I be Kylie (or as Kylie dancer pun tak kisah, so I can wear all the sexy D&G tops/hot pants/ dresses)?

Her dresses took my breath away. So bloody gorgeous. Her male dancers blew my mind, phew! They are soooo hot (eye candy eye candy - mmg sungguh mengeksploitasi male sexuality)! Have to say, it made a good all girls nite out.


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