I am soo angry.
Kenapa la MOST of the hospital matrons are arrogant bitches? Their attitude is sooo "on your face". Fucking bitch! Suka sgt belittle the junior doctors.
I am so in rage, i just have to walk away from the scene. Bite my tongue before I say something I will regret. I am putting a complaint form against her (like my other collegues did).
God, i don't even think she put patient first. BABI betul minah ni. bodoh bangang sial bitch. fuck you. fuck, fuck, fuck. Bukannye aku tak tau buat keja aku. I even love my job.
How many of you diasak utk prescribe sedation you think patient don't need? I perasan doctor prescribe to make nurses life easier, not patient's life easier. Why on earth you constraint a confused patient unnecessarily, hence make them more aggressive. Persuasion does works, but how many nurses are actually using it?
Seriously, pen-pushers, bed manager, nurses have more power than doctors these days. I bet CEO don't have a clue how A+E works. Might as well not bother be a doctor.
Kenapa la MOST of the hospital matrons are arrogant bitches? Their attitude is sooo "on your face". Fucking bitch! Suka sgt belittle the junior doctors.
I am so in rage, i just have to walk away from the scene. Bite my tongue before I say something I will regret. I am putting a complaint form against her (like my other collegues did).
God, i don't even think she put patient first. BABI betul minah ni. bodoh bangang sial bitch. fuck you. fuck, fuck, fuck. Bukannye aku tak tau buat keja aku. I even love my job.
How many of you diasak utk prescribe sedation you think patient don't need? I perasan doctor prescribe to make nurses life easier, not patient's life easier. Why on earth you constraint a confused patient unnecessarily, hence make them more aggressive. Persuasion does works, but how many nurses are actually using it?
Seriously, pen-pushers, bed manager, nurses have more power than doctors these days. I bet CEO don't have a clue how A+E works. Might as well not bother be a doctor.
Go huda!! speak up for all the junior docs out there yg salu kena buli dek charge nurses .. !!!!
belinda, at 3:35 PM
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