Just a short note on depression
A friend said to me," I find people with depression has a particular tendencies to be very intense in their emotion".
I am not entirely agree with that. There is some truth in it, nonetheless.
Depression is a hideous sickness. It can happened to anyone. You can have a completely happy upbringing, good friends, has a supportive boyfriend and still have depression. One of my consultant told me, it took him more than 9 years before he finally out from the tangled web. The only thing that keep him going day by day during the depressive time is his son. He wakes up everyday with an emptiness in his heart and didn't know why.
Please, don't generalised people with depression. Because you will not know what it's like until you experience it. Empathy, not sympathy.
There is certain period of my life where I felt really down with my life.. But over the years I have better my coping mechanisms.
And it helps if you stop caring with what people say. (sometimes, I wish I care a little bit more, but nahhh, why care if what they say is untrue. Anyway, everyone is entitle to voice their opinion, isn't it?)
I am not entirely agree with that. There is some truth in it, nonetheless.
Depression is a hideous sickness. It can happened to anyone. You can have a completely happy upbringing, good friends, has a supportive boyfriend and still have depression. One of my consultant told me, it took him more than 9 years before he finally out from the tangled web. The only thing that keep him going day by day during the depressive time is his son. He wakes up everyday with an emptiness in his heart and didn't know why.
Please, don't generalised people with depression. Because you will not know what it's like until you experience it. Empathy, not sympathy.
There is certain period of my life where I felt really down with my life.. But over the years I have better my coping mechanisms.
And it helps if you stop caring with what people say. (sometimes, I wish I care a little bit more, but nahhh, why care if what they say is untrue. Anyway, everyone is entitle to voice their opinion, isn't it?)
To say that depression is a result of attachment is to trivialize the very real and painful lives of millions of people who wake up every day not knowing why there is a heavy and dull ache in their hearts. Depression for some may be due to attachment and loss, but for others, it is an incurable medical condition. For them, there is no 'evolution on the spiritual level'. It is not strength they lack to attain spiritual supremacy over their depression, it is a malfunction in their chemicals, a mis-wiring of circuits.
Rogue Chicka, at 9:46 PM
The diagnosis of depression does have a huge impact on one's life & we doctors doesn't diagnosed it unnnecessarily. There is a criteria that one needs to fulfill.
There are differences between simply having a low mood and real depression, which I don't think I need to elaborate here.
It is a real illness.
Lotus, at 4:20 AM
I've never been diagnosed as being clinically depressed, so perhaps I don't know what I'm talking about. However, I have been through a period where I was too low to be of any use to anyone, most importantly to myself. I do know how it feels like to wake up in the morning already feeling fatigued and not up to facing the world again, like you've just come out of a couple of rounds against Lennox Lewis and much for the worse, at that. I do know how it feels like to question your very existence, to look down on to the tarmac from the top of the Carr-Saunders student accommodation block in Central London, trying hard to convince yourself how easy it would be to just step off the edge.
That was my own experience. It in no way is a generalisation of the effects of depression. It affects different people in a different manner for different reasons. Nonetheless, one thing is certain, to my mind.
It's fucking painful, man.
Ahmad, at 4:22 PM
You hold on there, Ahmad.
I think it's the point when everyone seemed to be having quarter-life crisis (if there is such thing,hehe).
Lotus, at 5:58 PM
Somebody once said that i'm a fourty-four year old guy in a twenty year old shell... so I think I might have qualified for a mid-life crisis there. :)
Ahmad, at 4:07 AM
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