Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Monday, January 24, 2005

There is not enough hours in a day

These days, I always feel I am running out of time.

So many things to do, so little time. And I feel I am running behind.

Even jobs the house officer ask me to help with pun, I tak sempat buat cos I have to be in clinics to help Prof. Kumar. Every Monday when I did clinics with her mesti run until 7-ish petang. Today, I went to clinic 1 1/2 hour late cos I helped the house officer with ascitic tap. Am not ashamed to admit that I really enjoy doing clinic with her - makes me feel very involved, as in I am one of Gastro doctors.

Anyway (esp. Elly S :D), I will not bore you with another medics story.

I already missed the weekends. I missed the days (third year that is) when I can just be carefree, takyah study, watch DVD cam nak mati, literally do what I like. Now, I have to carefully plan my day, to fit in errands to do, when to go to work,what to study,etc. Weekends is time to catch up things that got postponed. Can feel my energy being drained.

Makin lama makin glad la pulak I will work outside London (more chance of 9 to 5 job, apparently!). Kesian tgk my PRHOs work, diorang nyer work rota - keja 10 hari straight takde cuti, work 8 till 8 (although suppose to finish by 5 pm), on-call 1 in 6 days. Overworked, sometimes underappreciated and bukan nye the trust bayar the extra hours diorang terpaksa buat.


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