Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


A couple of days ago, I bumped into Ed. I was walking down the hospital corridor, carrying stacks of patients records need to be browsed into for my rheumatology audit project. I had a lot in my mind at that time that I didn't notice him passing me by. He actually turned back to me, pat me on my shoulder and said, "Hi! It's you!". I was quite surprised and very pleased to see him; we haven't met for about 2 years I think.

Ed is my senior at medical school and he & I used to work together at the GP practice where I work now. He is of Afro-Carribean origin, handsome, and has a very toned tanned body. You know those black models in perfume advert in magazines and billboard? He is like that - that kind of face & body. Except Ed is not of model height, but he is tall, appropriate for guys. An eye candy. Delicious (not in sexual way, but in "ish, geramnyer" drooling kind of way). We did went out for teh tarik at Mawar one day after work. Both of us clicked straight away, and chatted for hours - discussing career, medical schools and personal stuffs like his issues with his girlfriend (she is an Arab muslim & he is a devoted Christian) and my long distance relationship. He left not long after that because he lived too far away from the GP, and he was getting tired from all the travelling he had to do to come to work.

He has now, of course, finished medical school, and working as house officer in Anaesthetist Department in the hospital where I am doing my attachment now. He looked thinner and less toned than previously; nevertheless still gorgeous as ever. He is surprised to hear me still working part time at that GP - this is my 3rd year with them, for heaven sake! He has taken on his job pretty well, and he said it's not really as bad as he thought. In fact, he enjoyed working as doctor! We talked about final exam, and other petty matters before he rushed off to A&E.

It feels nice to see how life has taken up once you finished medical school. I know I will be alright at the end of the day. I hope all the envious feeling about other people life which seemed to get into my system these days will go away.

Wahai tuhan, lapangkanlah hatiku, terangkan hatiku untuk menerima ilmumu and berkatilah hidupku ini.


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