I know, I know. Its sad. I enjoyed watching Celebrity Love Island (bitching session, who is the fittest bird, i fancy him, he likes the other bird etc...right? Hehehe.)OSCE coming up nih. Buruk sungguh perangai.
Anyway, just want to jot down some quotes i heard over telly, and read on mags,and a few encounters.
- "To be with someone who loves the parts of me I hate".
(this is what Liz Atomic Kitten said when asked how she vision herself 5 years from now). I can relate to this.
- "I just want to be happy".
- "I felt robbed for the rest of my life".
(This one I got an article in a mag. The woman lost her 34 year old husband ('the love of her life','the one','the prince charming') to cancer. And she said seeing her children grow up without their dad, make her feel cheated by the Force. Who wouldn't? I burst into tears after reading the article. I was being too soppy these days, I know. Missed him.
- "Why us? We were so happy".
(this is what the wife said after the doctor break the bad news that there is nothing we can do for her husband who had mesothelioma secondary to asbestos exposure). It broke my heart.I vividly remember my own emotion trying hard not to cry sitting through the consultation, her silent tears, and their encircled hands.Her lovely husband didn't cry, he is the one who hold her strong the whole time.
Enuff about all soppy stuffs.
I did my group revision a few weeks ago (i was the only gal, the rest are guys). 9 hours later, we were done, then the guys talked about "birds".Hehe. M, he is such a great playboy. Really good at picking up girls. And his secret? Girls always have this kind of idea of being rescued by Prince Charming. Even alpha female want guys to lead the relationship. Yelah, mcm mana independant pun a female species is, she likes to be led. Spot on!My husband knows best when it comes to me! I love being pampered by him.
My thought - "Man, you are good!". (then he went on about how he broke up, and come up with various reasons which include i realise i was gay/sorry girl, i am going to america. He told me he got this mark (of nothing) on his chest - then he told the girl he got stabbed. Way to impress girl, M!
My advice to girls - "Don't be so gullible. Seriously right, if a guy really really likes you, he will make the effort. Don't waste your time chasing the one because he probably not "in" to you. Also, if you are confident (even a pretence one) in the way you conduct yourself, you definitely can pick up guys".
My conclusion, guys and girls do have different concept of fun and marriage. At the end of the day, its down to what you wish for in life!
Bye from the Love Agony Aunt. (grin)
Anyway, just want to jot down some quotes i heard over telly, and read on mags,and a few encounters.
- "To be with someone who loves the parts of me I hate".
(this is what Liz Atomic Kitten said when asked how she vision herself 5 years from now). I can relate to this.
- "I just want to be happy".
- "I felt robbed for the rest of my life".
(This one I got an article in a mag. The woman lost her 34 year old husband ('the love of her life','the one','the prince charming') to cancer. And she said seeing her children grow up without their dad, make her feel cheated by the Force. Who wouldn't? I burst into tears after reading the article. I was being too soppy these days, I know. Missed him.
- "Why us? We were so happy".
(this is what the wife said after the doctor break the bad news that there is nothing we can do for her husband who had mesothelioma secondary to asbestos exposure). It broke my heart.I vividly remember my own emotion trying hard not to cry sitting through the consultation, her silent tears, and their encircled hands.Her lovely husband didn't cry, he is the one who hold her strong the whole time.
Enuff about all soppy stuffs.
I did my group revision a few weeks ago (i was the only gal, the rest are guys). 9 hours later, we were done, then the guys talked about "birds".Hehe. M, he is such a great playboy. Really good at picking up girls. And his secret? Girls always have this kind of idea of being rescued by Prince Charming. Even alpha female want guys to lead the relationship. Yelah, mcm mana independant pun a female species is, she likes to be led. Spot on!My husband knows best when it comes to me! I love being pampered by him
My thought - "Man, you are good!". (then he went on about how he broke up, and come up with various reasons which include i realise i was gay/sorry girl, i am going to america. He told me he got this mark (of nothing) on his chest - then he told the girl he got stabbed. Way to impress girl, M!
My advice to girls - "Don't be so gullible. Seriously right, if a guy really really likes you, he will make the effort. Don't waste your time chasing the one because he probably not "in" to you. Also, if you are confident (even a pretence one) in the way you conduct yourself, you definitely can pick up guys".
My conclusion, guys and girls do have different concept of fun and marriage. At the end of the day, its down to what you wish for in life!
Bye from the Love Agony Aunt. (grin)
good luck huda for your coming osces. I'm sure u'll do fine. u are one bright student!
I'll be praying for all of us to pass our xms
Liza Yaakup, at 12:22 AM
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