The results..
Alhamdulillah, I passed my exam.
Truth been told, the the upcoming reality that I have finally become a doctor hasn't really dawned on me. Altho I was jumping like a manic monkey after receiving the result (ecstatic sangat - all the bloody hard work before exam has finally paid off) in front of my husband (he said,"Eleh, I tahu u mesti passed punya.After all the mental torture I received masa your exam, you might as well bloody passed!). He is the one who suggested we cut short our stay in Blackburn masa I did my job shadowing there as I was getting restless to get my results. My stupid Uni refused to relay the results through phone and e-mail on the day they announced the results. I became more impatient as all my colleagues I studied with text messaging me saying they passed.
My husband said,"Yang, tak leh jadi ni. Naik sakit hati la pulak tgk all your friends dah passed, you tak tau ur results lagi. Balik London cepat la yang". So there we go.
What I think of the new place I will move to?
I love it - the scenery is breathtaking, the wards are one of the cleanest I have been, the view from the wards is mesmerizing, cheap livingcost, people are so friendly, the water there is kind to my skin that I no longer need the constant supply of body lotion and the air is so fresh (you actually can smell its freshness) and make me want to stay outdoor. Even my temper is behaving better!
And the community has Swiss lifestyle, although transport is a bit less punctual but pretty reliable nonetheless (cab is bloody cheap anyway).
The only regret is we don't have a car at the moment. Takpela, we gonna buy it in September anyway, kena sabar sikit la kan!It will all pay off at the end.
Truth been told, the the upcoming reality that I have finally become a doctor hasn't really dawned on me. Altho I was jumping like a manic monkey after receiving the result (ecstatic sangat - all the bloody hard work before exam has finally paid off) in front of my husband (he said,"Eleh, I tahu u mesti passed punya.After all the mental torture I received masa your exam, you might as well bloody passed!). He is the one who suggested we cut short our stay in Blackburn masa I did my job shadowing there as I was getting restless to get my results. My stupid Uni refused to relay the results through phone and e-mail on the day they announced the results. I became more impatient as all my colleagues I studied with text messaging me saying they passed.
My husband said,"Yang, tak leh jadi ni. Naik sakit hati la pulak tgk all your friends dah passed, you tak tau ur results lagi. Balik London cepat la yang". So there we go.
What I think of the new place I will move to?
I love it - the scenery is breathtaking, the wards are one of the cleanest I have been, the view from the wards is mesmerizing, cheap livingcost, people are so friendly, the water there is kind to my skin that I no longer need the constant supply of body lotion and the air is so fresh (you actually can smell its freshness) and make me want to stay outdoor. Even my temper is behaving better!
And the community has Swiss lifestyle, although transport is a bit less punctual but pretty reliable nonetheless (cab is bloody cheap anyway).
The only regret is we don't have a car at the moment. Takpela, we gonna buy it in September anyway, kena sabar sikit la kan!It will all pay off at the end.
congratulations... :D
Sya, at 5:59 AM
congratulations doctor! haha ... still duzn sound right duz it?
Liza Yaakup, at 7:56 PM
Hi Huda!!! Congrats on becoming a doc! guess what? i'll be coming to UK for a few weeks' break and i should arrive onthe 30th June..wanna meet up? if you're around that is :) i'll give u a call when i sampai nanti k..all the best!!
Dalie, at 11:59 PM
Tq Sya, Liz & Dalie! Very true Liza, still doesn't feel like doctor at all!
Bole2x meet up long u gonna be here? Gimme a ring la when u free. My grad ceremony is on 1st July.And we gonna go to Europe on 2nd July.Prolly be back to London a week later.
Lotus, at 6:40 PM
hehhehe welcome to the wild world of doctorhood. Congrats on passing girl !!!!
scrubber, at 7:11 PM
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