Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cranky & drained...

Aiyoo, I am damned tired la...7 continous working days, had 9 more to go including 3 nights & 1 on-call days.

Esok kena present in journal club meeting.

And now my consultant is getting excited about doing another presentation together in 2 weeks time.

Have to do another audit & since F offering free labour when she is doing psychiatry, might as well use it.

Again sad leaving the team. I might not get another chance to work in a team where the boss will call you an insomniac if you send an e-mail or update an e-portfolios after midnight, a possible recreational drug abuser if you sneezes/grumpy in the morning, or an alcoholic if you called in sick due do dizziness from gastroenteritis (this one for you F & I might have make an occasional mention of your rum collection.Hihi). Here to you & me, we make such a good team & I will miss us coming late to work!

This reminded me to J. Man, we are bad and J even took time on Friday to do her facial! I hope you are loving your new abode & work in London J!


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