Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just to get this off my chest

Personality clash? or we just don't share the same sentiment of humour? I really struggle to share rapport with these 2 Sudanese guys; doesn't help that I couldn't really understand one of them and he constantly bickers with the consultant.

Cakap melayu lah.

Yang buat hal, yang sorang lagi la.Tak paham betul kenapa nak ambik hati sangat pasal comment aku - aku tak paham kenapa dia handover and nak document TLC lagi pasal pesakit tu dah DNR; it sounds like everything sorted by the team. Pas dia ni tak tau apa diagnosis pulak tu - mcm tak masuk akal la pulak kenapa nak suruh on-call team just to document TLC? handover apa mcm ni? Aku masuk ward, pesakit ni dah GCS 3/15, end stage heart failure i.e dah nazak berhari-hari.

Malas aku nak gaduh dgn mamat ni. But seriously, I am losing my respect to him anyway. Tak pernah aku jumpa orang suruh HO kasi atropine for complete heart block without cardiac monitor kat depan mata, cakap, don't worry ada telemetry kat ward lain. Gila apa? Ko nak kena ada cardiac monitor depan mata. Aku tegur la baik-baik, pas tu dia cakap dia tahu apa dia buat; sombong lak tu. Pas tu aku lagi sakit hati dia boleh tuka on-call shift tanpa aku punya agreement...

Malas nak layan la. Mungkin pasal takde pompuan level senior kot,senior trust grade/consultant people susah betul nak terima pendapat pompuan or STs. Aku paling tak suka time dia start cakap pasal islam and mcm orang lain ni lagi rendah moral.Kalau bersifat mulia tu takpe la, ini chauvinistic nak mampus.

There you go, off my chest.