Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Monday, May 24, 2010


I had a very sickening feeling when I heard a fellow Medical Registrar had a massive subarachnoid bleed during this morning handover.

It turned out I didn't know him before. He worked at my previous hospital.

He just finished his night shifts.

It is so very very sad.

It is so poignant; someone whose most life has been dedicated to others, will continue to serve others. There is already talk about organ donations once he is certified brain dead.

I pray for his family. I wonder if I knew his wife; with us being in a small deanery. May she have the strength and mental agility to go through such a painful time.

Life, such a fragile thing.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer is here

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Has a 106 years old admitted when I was ontake last night.

This must be some sort of a record.

The oldest patient I had previously is a 102 year old with dementia. She went home after a month whilst we sorted out her social side; still walking.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

GB, DC and NC

Quite sad Gordon Brown is now gone, but I think its time for him go. I always think of him as a pretty decent and quite charismatic person, but he made plenty of bad decisions. Letting go a lot of British institutions; that is always bad on my book. Don't ever let go national identities and institutions.

I don't think I can really warm up to David Cameron. He come across as trying too hard, too fake and has the kind of face I cannot trust; but I do think he did his best in the last few days.

Nick Clegg has the right kind of persona; but Lib Dem conducts throughout this hung parliment fiasco only re-enforced my belief that politicians cannot really be trusted. Power, eh? Its intoxicating.

This is my two cents.

Friday, May 07, 2010


First and foremost, my current workplace IT isn't exactly the best thing in the world.

My ward is currently "pilot"ing electronic TTO.

The thing that anger me the most is the time it is taking to bloody complete one TTO. Yesterday, my house officer took 2 1/2 hours doing 4 TTOs, and I felt very very annoyed. I was the one who ended up to complete all the ward jobs, including talking to a number of families. (How slow can one be typing on computer?).

And this electronic TTO...for some reason, whenever I did them, I was felt with a sense of wanting to throw the computer to the ground and chucked the printer out of the window. I don't think this is a normal response. No, I don't find using the system is hard; I used to work as medical secretary and my typing skill is certainly much better than my ward clerk.

The problems are:

The printer keep jamming/not printing/ink problems...

The system hang.

You have to manually type the drugs, select the brand, select dosage, select frequency..

We still have to do discharge summary..

For control drug I still need to do the handwritten version....and some drugs not even listed in their computer system...pandai tak?

Instead of seeing patient, I was forced to spent so much time doing this bloody thing and I think the IT person they sent to ward to supposedly help us with this thing has slower typing skill than me;and half of the time she has no bloody idea what to do when the system doesn't do what it supposed to do.

Bloody waste of my time.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


4 electronic TTOs in 2 1/2 hour time?

I am bloody impressed.Grrrr.....