Finally, get a proper time off after the exam. Been working my arse off after the exam with the oncalls at the weekends and on Thursday. My work colleague is still on her sick leave ( 2 weeks already, hmm). The locum is great, but the she has to work nights. Another locum come in for 5 days, but have to start handing over rasa mcm buang masa pun ada. I might as well just manage all the in patient for rheumatology; at least I know all of them. Rather than hand it over to the locum then hand over back to me then to locum back; sick to death about it. At the end, all the responsibility fall back to my shoulders. Sorting out all the prescription for rheumatology - the DMARDS, rituximab, all the TNF (infliximab, etanercept etc..). Feel like a dump site.
I probably being too harsh here; but please, orang lain pun pregnant jugak, but they don't call in sick every single day, which has been happening every month since we start this rotation. Menyampah pun ada jugak.
Anyway, enuff bitching.
Today has been a good day despite a little rough start. Just the two of us, jalan-jalan pegi Trafford Centre, tgk wayang and Ikea. Its been awhile since we proper relaxing like that.
Skrg ni, everyday pegi tgk rumah baru punya site.The building, roof suma dah siap. I think they are sorting out the plumbing & electricity now. Still tak leh masuk building site. All the house yang building work siap semua dah sold. So our neighbour nanti byk first time buyer & family.
Tak sabar nye nak pindah rumah baru. Our own house. Own garden. Excited excited.