Lotus - surviving life & remaining pure to urself

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Anger & war

There is a war.

I am so angry; and yet saddened by the turn of event. And I thought we all have let bygones be bygones. Initially, I am not bothered about all the helps we have help them with, but my God, their caci makis and blaming us for all the things that have gone wrong in their life. At the end of the day, their life their decision.

Should I just let this person mencaci maki us back home? I think it is terribly out unfair than people just listen to her story.

Anyway, I am going take the higher moral ground.

This blog is for me to let my emotions out as I don't bitch about people, full stop.

I will make our voice heard and seek justice, you will see.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Facing the end

My hats off to him...please support bone marrow transplant. Support his campaign:

All I am trying to achieve is the following:

A 40 minute talk to all second year sixth form students about why it is important to think about donating blood, bone marrow and organs.


Am doing oncology as my next rotation. I don't know what to expect, apart from probably getting my heart broken everyday seeing all these patients. And yet probably most satisfying when they wins the battle. When young people and babies die, the feeling is different.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I think I forgot to mention, mahalnya nak duduk Mesia skrg.

If I work kat mesia, bayar mortgage utk rumah shah alam je habis gaji gua..

Quite terperanjat beruk when isi minyak 20 ringgit dpt 7 liter je! We are aware abt the price hike, but when it hits us in reality, mmg mahal. 1 liter RM2.70.

Nasi lemak pun mahal.Pegi makan kat Khulafa nasi lemak dua org dekat RM 20. Spoke to my mum, dia ckp memang la mahal. Baik pegi makan kat warung bawah pokok kat seksyen 19.Kitorang mana la tahu tempat best makan kat Shah ALam, bukan selalu balik mesia. But mmg best la tempat warung tu time my mum brought us there ie her hang-out place with her friends. Sedap giler sambal sotong dia. Btw, I eat nasi lemak every single daily during holiday; crazy or what.

Pegi la makan kat Victoria station pasal org ckp best sgt.It turned out ok la; I prefer my husband own steak. Mahal sih, 3 org makan lunch the bill come out at RM 170!

Tiap tiap tahun balik mesia, the living costs is getting more expensive. The richer (I meant ppl who are making millions) getting richer, the middle class & the poor? You do the math.

few things noted

Things I won't missed:

- Am so lucky my family never bother me much about when we are going to have children. But still few ppl ask. I do noted however, kesian to few of our friends who bloody stressed & tried everything (unfortunately still unsuccessful)to have babies. In this aspect I feel lucky tak bermastautin kat mesia.

My advice is to ignore what ppl say. Allah maha kaya and if he meant for us to have children, it will come regardless. I do admire Abg Z & kak A, altho remain childless after few decades of marriage, they remains happy. Main tennis together, jln2x & have very comel cats.

- Road marking kat mesia - almost dah tak de marking. KL road is crazy. I mean how do you expect accident tak happen - you come out from slip road, then tak sampai 10 metres another slip road. Mana sempat nak change lanes (especially if tak familiar dgn jln tu.). By the way, I also discover I am capable of driving manual car dlm kl.

- Also, KL has become too busy, too noisy. Prefer living in Shah ALam, my town gonna be the i-City!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Coming back

Need to jot down this feeling before I forgot. Currently on the way home to Liverpool from Manchester airport.

Every time balik mesia, the first few days mesti ada feeling why on earth I still in the UK. I tend to say tak miss Mesia sgt lah; I cope well being away from family lah etc..etc...; but deep down I knew this is my coping mechanisms. Time balik mesia met my younger brother, F1 who is doing well in career & family (expecting 2nd child). My niece Aimee is such an intelligent child, very petite & strong-willed. Am soooo proud with my bro; he is indeed an excellent piping engineer, spearheading some of Petronas main projects, designing oil & gas pipes (and I am sure he will prosper in the future. AFter all, its oil & gas).

My little sis is finishing her diploma soon; and I also discovered her driving skills! Should enrol her to F1. My youngest brother enrolled to multimedia college.

I really feel I am missing out. I have left home when I was 13 to go to boarding school & I kinda wish I spent more time at home.Its so nice when Mum, Nik & I went for breakfast & shopping trip during my last few days kat mesia.

To my little 5 yr old step-sister, you are a daddy girl. I love you so much & I am sorry I didn't see you as much. It break my heart to know that you hate saying good-bye (5 yrs old & understand the meaning of good-bye!), but I know abah always remind you that we are your brother & sister. Thanks for drawing a picture of all 5 of us. Kak Huda, Abg F1, Kak Lin & Abg F2 always love you.