Just finished nights and by God, I can swear my job is to sort out half-assed job.I find it rather disconcerting that nurses find me as the fixer; Really, it is not bloody rocket sciences for someone who has completed a medical degree.
Electrolytes imbalance and arrhythmias, correct it and voila!
That ECG really is not VT or torsades. Look at it, I mean really look at it, and it is AF with LBBB, can't you see its QRS morphology?
You shouldn't really be throwing random dose of digoxin and then wonder why they have 4.5 seconds pause.
Doubling beta-blocker in someone who has resting heart rate at 60 is really really NOT a good idea. Its even ridiculous that we have this argument.
The nurse seemed really amazed when I picked up this "a case of a bit too much opiates" and reversed it with naloxone.Hmmm.
You are not going to fix that atrial fibrillation with adenosine, you know.
That are just some of the snapshots. Suffice to say, all of them survived intact, home soon and no harm done. Disconcerting, yes.
Now, where is my boots so I can throw it to the rota master who is currently enjoying a long new year holiday? Day on-call tomorrow.